Monthly Mindfulness Strategies 

Are you someone who can't seem to find time to practice Mindfulness, but would love the benefits? That was me.

I learned to feel good by achieving, solving for X, and striving. It felt good, but that pattern created a model of living from the outside in- always looking outside to feel good. We have no power outside of us and it's easy to become a victim to people and circumstances. 

Living mindfully changed my life, and I'm on a mission to share the benefits.  Each month, a new mindfulness topic will come to your inbox, with a strategy, and a simple to implement challenge. By registering, you have access to live zoom sessions, held twice a year for Q & A, and sharing in a safe space, with like-minded people.

If we don't live consciously and mindfully, we just keep repeating the same life on autopilot.  Life happens from the inside out. Take a deep breath and sign up NOW.  

Sign up for Monthly Mindfulness Lessons

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