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Has communication with your child become more difficult or nonexistent?

Are their choices and/or behavior leaving you feeling worried?

Are you unsure how much anxiety is too much, and what to do about it?

As a parent, life just got harder, but you still want the best for your children. You want them to make "the right" choices and to reach their highest and greatest potential, but right now you're feeling anxious and fearful.
You are left wondering what to do and how…. I’m here to help!  Parenting is the greatest journey you will ever be on. With the right tools and strategies in your backpack, you can have the relationship you both long for and deserve, regardless of the circumstances.

That’s why I’ve created Fearless Parenting 

You long to have an open, honest relationship with them but it’s not happening and may even seem impossible.

You find yourself in a constant power struggle being controlled by their choices and behaviors. You feel worried, emotionally drained and sometimes at a loss.

You want to give them some control over their choices and understand they need to take risks, but it's scary in the world we live in now.

You don't share how you’re feeling because someone may judge you, or worse, judge your child, and you've put all you could into parenting. After all, isn’t your child’s  behavior a reflection of your parenting skills? Hint- it's not! Parents deserve to feel supported, connected and educated.

95% of everything we do is done from our subconscious mind - parenting is no different.

The fact is that most of us are not aware of the habits we created as parents. We repeat the same parenting approaches over and over, wondering why nothing changes.

Many parents have shared with me that they don't understand this generation, or know how to begin the conversations that need to be had. Anxiety is everywhere!

Connection to ONE trusted adult is a huge protective factor for youth. As their leaders, we have the ability to be trusted adults.

Nothing can change without awareness. This program is the path to seeing these patterns and creating new, effective, and loving paths as a parent. 

Let’s face it, this is a very different kind of generation. I've heard people say, ‘You’ve got that right. They are lazy, self-centered, "know it alls" and glued to their phones...'

I don’t see them that way. I see them as desperately seeking a life they enjoy that allows them to make a difference.  Believe me, they are much more caring than they let on. 

They are tech savvy, multi-taskers, who can step in and out of a virtual world, and they're feeling misunderstood. As the highest diagnosed generation in history, when it comes to mental health, they deserve our empathy and guidance. 

We owe it to them to learn more about the world they are growing up in, from THEIR view. 

It's time to parent by design.

◆ When we begin to parent consciously and understand this generation we can begin to create change.

◆ When we align our habits with the outcome we desire, we will see astonishing results.

◆ When we learn how to work with our children's strengths, they can learn to recognize their strengths and increase their confidence.

Every minute we parent by default, we are teaching our children from a sub-conscious level.

Your children's self-image includes what they glean from our subconscious stories.

I invite you to join a very special group! Let's be intentional and conscious about parenting- it is the most important thing you will ever do. You will be supported every step of the way.

Fearless Parenting is all about helping you navigate on this journey. This course is your guide to developing your own parenting style, one that empowers you to achieve an open and meaningful relationship with your children.

The goal of the program is to help you:

➤ Create greater awareness of the parenting goals that are most important for you- the BIG picture.

➤ Practice positive Emotional Intelligence allowing you to live as an example for your children and keep your sanity!

➤ Parent consciously, from your highest and greatest potential, as you remain present and aware of triggers.

➤ Develop and grow as a person, which means you do everything from your best self- including parenting.

➤ Understand your child's personality traits, strengths, areas of growth and how to work best with their style as we learn the DISC method.

➤ Be part of a supportive space where we can share experiences, strategies, wins and difficult moments- honestly and compassionately.

How does it work and whats included?

Fearless Parenting is a 3 month program, with relevant and thought provoking topics to ensure your growth and transform the relationship with the youth in your life.

We will have live teachings and coaching twice a month from 7/22- 9/30. (Value $600)

Live Q&A's to share, learn and talk about how to implement new strategies from the teachings. (Value $600)

All Sessions will be recorded, and include worksheets, which will be available for you to review for the duration of the program. You can even submit questions before our sessions.  (Value $197)

Access to my private Facebook Group of like-minded parents, where I will be consistently adding value and available to you. (Value $197)

I will be including 5 of my most requested Trainings as a bonus:

  • Understanding and Leading Gen Z (Value $70)
  • Parenting with EQ (Value $70)
  • Family Stressed to Family Best (Value $70)
  • Mental Health Challenges of Adolescents (Value $70)
  • Self-Care for Parents (Value $70)

A total value of $1,944!

As you can see, the value in this program is HUGE.

Since this is my beta launch, I'm doing a one-time special price of 


The price will be increasing to $497 the next time.

This special pricing includes everything you see above! 

To lock in the $297 price click the Join Now button below. 

We start on July 22!

My mission is to help this generation, and their parents, to feel connected and live a less anxious life. 
Your child's well-being depends on yours.


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